Custom Wordlist Generator - Create wordlists by extracting words from a given website or text source

cewl http://example.com -w custom_wordlist.txt    #Creates a wordlist by extracting words from a given website or text source, "-w" specifies output file
cewl -d n               #Specifies how many levels deep crawling should go, default 2
cewl -m n               #Specifies minimum word length to be included in the wordlist, default 3
cewl -x n               #Specifies maximum word lenght, default unlimited
cewl -e                 #Include email addresses
cewl -v                 #Verbose mode
cewl -o                 #Offsite, let spider crawl other sites 
cewl -g n               #Return groups of n words too
cewl --lowercase        #Lowercase all words

#Combine with John the Ripper for complex wordlists
cewl URL -w custom_wl.txt && john --wordlist=custom_wl.txt --rules -stdout > newWordlist.txt

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