
Network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a computer network.

nmap IP                          #Basic scan on the 1.000 most common ports
nmap -p port IP                  #Scan on specified port  $nmap -p 80
nmap -p- IP                      #Scan on all 65.535 ports
nmap              #Scan range of IPs
nmap               #Scan full network using the specified netmask
nmap domain.com                  #Scan a domain
nmap -iL list.txt                #Scan IPs from a listed file
nmap --exclude IP                #Exclude specified IP from scan
nmap -v -oG -                    #Lists the 1000 common ports that the basic scan does in grepable format (-oG)
nmap -oA myScan                  #Exports the result of the scan to all formats, XML (myScan.xml), grepable (myScan.gnmap) and text (myScan.nmap)
nmap --open                      #List only open ports

#Version scan on the 1.000 most common ports, saving results on all 3 file formats.
nmap -sV -oA myScan IP

#Version scan on all ports, only list open ones and save results on all 3 file formats.
nmap -sV --open -p- -oA myScan IP

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