Network scanning tool used for discovering hosts and services on a computer network.
nmap IP #Basic scan on the 1.000 most common ports
nmap -p port IP #Scan on specified port $nmap -p 80
nmap -p- IP #Scan on all 65.535 ports
nmap #Scan range of IPs
nmap #Scan full network using the specified netmask
nmap domain.com #Scan a domain
nmap -iL list.txt #Scan IPs from a listed file
nmap --exclude IP #Exclude specified IP from scan
nmap -v -oG - #Lists the 1000 common ports that the basic scan does in grepable format (-oG)
nmap -oA myScan #Exports the result of the scan to all formats, XML (myScan.xml), grepable (myScan.gnmap) and text (myScan.nmap)
nmap --open #List only open ports
-sL #No scanning, just lists network range !echo it into a .txt
-sP #Ping scan, similar to -sn, but tries to resolve hostname
-Pn #Scan without pinging, treat all hosts as online, skips host discovery
--traceroute #Trace hop path to each host
-PU #UDP ping scan
-PR #ARP ping scan
nmap -sn IP/prefix #Ping scan, disabled port scanning, fast $nmap -sn
-v -vv -vvv #Verbosity/detail level !Recommended -v
-sS #SYN scan, fast and stealthier
-sV #Scans for version of the service !Essential!
-sV --version-intensity 7 #Sets aggression level, 0 low but fast, 9 precise but slower, default 7.
-sC #--script=default Uses default nmap scripts to better discover services and vulnerabilities
--script=custom_script IP #For custom scripts save them on ~/.nmap/scripts/ for specific user or /usr/share/nmap/scripts for all
-sU #UDP scan
-O #Scans for OS detection
-A #Aggressive, scans for OS, version, scripts and traceroute
-T3 #Timing option, 0 slowest to 5 very aggressive, default 3
-F #Fast mode, scans fewer ports !For a quick peak
-v -vv -vvv #Verbosity/detail level !Recommended -v
-f #Fragment packets
#Version scan on the 1.000 most common ports, saving results on all 3 file formats.
nmap -sV -oA myScan IP
#Version scan on all ports, only list open ones and save results on all 3 file formats.
nmap -sV --open -p- -oA myScan IP
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